Newstalgia – enhancing the past
The latest trend blends our attachment to the rituals of yesterday with our love for the advancements of today: Newstalgia, the celebration of new and old, is gaining popularity wherever we look. From fashion, with its return to hippy influences, to bartenders becoming mixologists, even the food industry is under Newstalgia’s sway. Classics like shepherd’s pie are now elevated to gourmet status. This sentimental longing and wistful affection for the past means a keen interest in resurrecting older musical successes and styles, re-experiencing the music as if is is new and reborn. But audiophiles are still looking to maintain a contemporary feel, a practical twist inspired by our more modern way of life. That brings us to vinyl. What makes vinyl so popular? Artists still frequently record on vinyl, and audiences buy it to capture a feeling of ritual and fond connection to the good old days, like a first sip of cherry cola or a first kiss. For younger generations, vinyl is a way to travel through time. Like values, tastes or audio equipment built to stand the test of time, vinyl is a legacy passed and shared from one generation to another.